A seemingly random process, most of the verification words that I have come across contain the proper vowel- consonant ratio to make them seem like believable words, albeit from some parallel universe where the English language evolved differently.
Here are the last three verification words that I have come across today (I have referenced the source blog where I left comments beside it)
impiout - (Bad Tempered Zombie)
hunip - (Flying Buttresses)
tiver - (Everything is Pop)
Of course, I couldn’t resist the temptation to provide definitions for these new words;
Tiver: Derived from the French word “hiver” (“winter”) - used to describe the short bursts of winter like conditions that can occasionally surface in times of year more associated with temperate weather - tiver is an abbreviated version of the French phrase “petits hiver” (i.e. “small winter”) . Example: “The unexpected snow fall in late April indicates that we may be entering a period of tiver like conditions for the next few days”
Tiver can also refer to a person, or group of people, self-identified as being ardent admirers or fans of indie-folk musician Bon Iver. Example: "Like a true tiver, she is going to every concert on Bon Iver's west coast tour this summer"
Impiout: Describing a person who expresses blatant disrespect for the religious beliefs or practices of others , often in an abrasive or brazen manner. The word evolved as a hybrid of “impious” and “idiot”. For example, "His refusal to take off his shoes in the temple indicated that he was acting like a real impiout".
Hunip: A woolen tunic typically worn by Attila the Hun’s army that helped keep soldiers warm while riding across the cold plains of central Europe & Asia. The hunip often included a convenient slit in the side to rest a sword and scabbard for easy access, while also providing a warm resting place for cold fingers between battles.
Feel free to try a few of your own new verification words with definitions and pass them along. Perhaps we can start a linguistic revolution one random word at a time!
That's brilliant! You have your lexicon-speak down to a science. I would buy those definitions, particularly since I am somewhat of an impiout.
Couldn't hunip also be a Hunnish stew made with turnips and, obviously, the flesh of the conquered?
Bleda, another bowl of hunip!
Barbara is right Matthew, this is absolutely brillante! (The French word for spectaculaire blogue poste.) Remind me never to play Boggle with you okay?
I must disagree with your surmisal that the Word Verification is merely a check of your blog spamming bot status. I actually think its something more insidious. Do you ever notice how those made up words always have some bearing on the content of the post? Like the way gmail posts little ads in the sidebar that mirror the content of an e-missive. Let's look at the word verification for this comment for instance. 'kcoredih' Looks all innocent right? Read it backwards and it spells hiderock! See what I mean! "The man" is asking you to subvert your rocking tendencies; Preferring (I would surmise) that you listen to lighter fare instead.
Not so innocent after all huh?
I am off to find my aluminum hat!
(insert X Files theme here)
Great post Matthew!
Hold the phone! I have word verification on my blog? This I did not know...
Great post, I loved the definitions! I could use a hunip today, this wind and rain does not seem to be letting up! ;)
downloading a file from hotfile and just had to type:
hope yer well, matt.
and below: COTTURVO, which is a bed that is portable and collapsable at high speeds.
Sometimes I wonder if subliminal messages are implanted in word verification.
Barb - you are no "impiout" in my books!
Randal - mmmm, hunip stew sounds delicious. Surprisingly though, "the flesh of the conquered" tastes remarkably like chicken.
Sean - I think you are on to something, and I definitely don't want "the man" forcing me to blog about Air Supply or some other form of musical monstrosity.
Allison - a hunip would have been handy Saturday night, that's for sure.
Dave - "earmuff inlaw" sounds too good to be random - there must be a few programmers out there taking the piss.
Kevin - your caution is advisable - I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was some association protocol at work - I must now look for patterns!
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