Saturday, May 31, 2008


I went out on a limb recently and placed an add on my local Craigslist page to see if any like-minded miscreants wanted to start a book club with me in my neighbourhood. As a result I met a co-conspirator named Kevin who came up with this great ad for our fledgling club that we can put in a few local coffee shops;

It's kind of cool really, as I have been lamenting the absence of the type of connections I had in days of yore; basically people with a wide array of interests willing to shoot the breeze about life, the universe and everything. It felt a bit risky putting the add out, though I am glad I did this and embraced a new way of finding kindred souls in the 21st century.

I am eager to see how my little experiment to start a book club from scratch will pan out. I am off to a good start really, and have already increased my group size by 100% (seeing as there are two of us now) and I am confident that beneath the orderly facade of where I live there are other like minded souls willing to read, talk and be inspired by the exchange of ideas.

FYI - the genesis for this idea happened a few months ago when I overheard two women conversing at a local coffee shop and I became mildly distraught over the commodified and purely transactional nature of their discourse (link here for my earlier post "Coffee Talk & Glossy Pamphlets") and I made a vow to wage personal war against relational mediocrity and find a meaningful way to simply connect with others over the love of ideas.


Dean Wormer said...

Is your friend "real" and is your name Tyler Durden?

Book club sounds like a great idea.

Life As I Know It Now said...

You might also want to put a bulletin up at your local library. My hubby got a myspace page and wrote down all the authors and artists he was interested in and has found some online friends to talk shop with. Anyway, good luck with your venture!

PJ said...

I wish I could join your book club, I need to move to Canada toot sweet!

Diamond Dave Diggler said...

I used a very similar graphic for our book club. It is now defunct, so you won't be hearing from my lawyers.